Interior Painting Service

Spruce Up Your Home's Interior

Our services for interior work include:

  • Painting Walls, Ceilings & Trim work

  • Custom Staining and Finishing

  • Cabinet Painting and Finish Work

  • Caulking, Sealing, and Light Repair Work on Drywall and Woodwork

“We believe a quality job is all about the prep”

Our process for painting an exterior which includes power washing, caulking, wood replacement, scraping and sanding loose or chipped paint, and masking off all surfaces not being painted.

Interior Painting Portfolio

“We believe a quality job is all about the preparation”

We’ll protect your furniture and flooring from paint splatter. We’ll sand, caulk, prime, and tape to prepare the surface. We’ll complete the job using high-end paint that we supply. Lastly, we’ll check in with you to make sure you are happy with the results.

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